
From Hot Scenes With Angelina Jolie To Getting Dirty In The Front Seat With Marion Cotillard, He Can Get Steamy Anywhere

Brad Pitt S*x Scenes Ranked: Setting The Screen On Fire With Angelina Jolie Or Getting Dirty In The Front Seat With Marion Cotillard, He’s Definitely The Daddy Of Hollywood (Photo Credit – IMDb)

S*x scenes in movies are one of the things certain sections of the audience look to when deciding whether or not to watch a film. But if it’s a Brad Pitt flick, fans go in millions as they are sure it will have something steamy and s*xy or at least the Hollywood stud locking lips with a gorgeous actress.

Brad – who will turn 60 this December, has been part of the film industry for over 3.5 decades (1987–present) and has shed his clothes on screen a good dozen times at least, and each of them resulted in the female (and gay population) having to drink a couple of glasses of water, have an ice cold shower or fan the heat away.



Today, I’ve decided to throw away your mid-week blues before they even set in by bringing you some of Brad Pitt’s s*xiest, hottest and yummy s*x scenes. From going about it rough to doing the dirty in the middle of a sandstorm, scroll below to see the 5 best s*x scenes we picked and ranked – No 1 is at the very end.

WARNING: Below are mentioned are the best s*x scenes of Brad Pitt. The article contains graphic videos of the scenes in question and is unsuitable for minors.


Meet Joe Black



Mr & Mrs Smith

Do you agree with this ranking of Brad Pitt’s best s*x scenes? Let us know which scene you think was the s*xiest and what your ranking of his s*x scenes would be like.

Must Read: When Emilia Clarke Confessed To Watching Her N*de Scenes In Game Of Thrones With Her Parents: “It Might Not Have Been The Episode To Choose”

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