
It got hot Saturday! From Bellingham to Hoquiam, temps hit record highs

Yes, it’s true. Throughout Western Washington, temperature records were broken Saturday.

The National Weather Service in Seattle posted on the social platform X: “We broke daily temperature records for ALL of our climate sites today, with Quillayute reaching 80 degrees!”

But you could feel all that.

Blue skies, sunshine, hanging out, taking it easy. Spotify, call up a Beach Boys tune!

The weather service has a nifty graphic that begins with the high temperature Saturday at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport:

Seventy-four degrees. The previous record was 72 in 1947.

Not only that, this was the earliest Sea-Tac has reached 74 or higher in eight decades since weather records were started there in 1945.

Then it goes on to list its other monitoring sites. The Weather Service headquarters on Sand Point Way Northeast near Lake Washington (only 71 because the lake cooled things down, but still a record). Olympia. Bellingham, Hoquiam. Quillayute (out there by Forks).

But this is March in Seattle. We’re not yet Malibu.

Sunday will bring more sunny, mild weather, thanks to a high pressure system over the region.

“By midweek, we’ll be right back to normal temperatures in the mid-50s,” said weather service meteorologist Steve Reedy. “Monday or Tuesday the high temperatures will be more in the mid-60s. Then Wednesday and beyond we’ll have a frontal system bringing in a return to rainfall and temperatures around 53 or 54.”

On Saturday, before work, Reedy went on a 2-mile walk with his Lab mix dog, Buddy.

“Just enjoy the break in the weather,” he concluded.

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